Facing example sentences

Is it possible that an area or region may have ample water resources but is still facing water scarcity? Many of our cities are such examples.All sizes and all types of enterprises are facing increasingly dynamic environment.Most of Africa, West Asia, South Asia, parts of western USA, north-west Mexico, parts of South America and entire Australia are facing shortages in fresh water supply.You may request Shabnam to sing for your annual function, and may turn to John when facing a problem with your bike.Sulabh, a non-government organisation, has been working for three decades to address the problems of sanitation facing low-caste, low-income people in India.Groups function either working towards a given goal, or away from certain threats facing the group.When workers are poor or powerless, the fear of losing future earnings or facing reprisals often forces them to accept low wages.Access to clean and adequate water sources is a major problem facing the world today.In this chapter we will read about the emergence of new political groups in the subcontinent during the first half of the eighteenth century – roughly from 1707, when Aurangzeb died, till the third battle of Panipat in 176 In Chapter 4 you saw how the Mughal Empire reached the height of its success and started facing a variety of crises towards the closing years of the seventeenth century.This would give them practice in facing an audience, and encourage them to prepare seriously, by: noting down the important points about the person to be introduced, using appropriate phrases to introduce the person (students should be allowed to think what phrases they want to use).When farmers have been facing so many problems and land under agriculture is decreasing, can we think of alternative employment opportunities in the agriculture sector? You know that food is a basic need and every citizen of the country should have access to food which provides minimum nutritional level.Although he was still a servant of the Mughal emperor, he ruled quite independently without seeking any direction from Delhi or facing any interference.Macroeconomics tries to address situations facing the economy as a whole.It was an outer room with one wall facing the open yard.'Just like a civil servant! As if we are facing here a minor breakdown of law and order,' he thought to himself.

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