Fold example sentences

The two-fold effect in respect of all transactions must be duly recorded in the book of accounts of the business.The benefit to the local company of such joint production is two-fold.Having completed his usual tasks, Mr Purcell again mounted the high stool, and unfolded his morning paper.As you would remember, the attributes of Liberty are the red cap, or the broken chain, while Justice is generally a blindfolded woman carrying a pair of weighing scales.The folds of Great Himalayas are asymmetrical in nature.These rivalries were very evident in the way the Balkan problem unfolded.A bud consists of a short stem around which immature overlapping leaves are folded.The meaning of the code will slowly unfold before you.Thus, business transactions are exchanges of economic consideration between parties and have two-fold effects that are recorded in at least two accounts.It has increased manifold as seen in the figureure.Sedimentary rock formations of plains and young fold mountains contain non-metallic minerals like limestone.The blots were originally made by dropping ink on a piece of paper and then folding the paper in half (hence called inkblot test).I folded the letter again and slipped it carefully back into its envelope.A young boy dressed in a grey uniform, wearing socks and shoes, arrived panting and threw his school bag on a folding bed.It does not record two-fold effect of each and every transaction.

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