Foot example sentences

To achieve this suppression, open the iew Menu to hide or display the Report Header/Footer, Report Page Header/Footer.] [following him] And don't set foot in my house again! Take it to court! We'll see! [Lomov staggers out.The position to specify is either Top of Page (header) or Bottom of Page (footer).Most other team sports, such as hockey and football lay down the dimensions of the playing area: cricket does not.Page headers and page footers may also be added by right click at title bar of report object, followed by click at Page header/footer.Garments, footwear, sports items are examples of industries where production is carried out by a large number of small producers around the world.Emphasis was laid on intricate and rapid footwork, elaborate costumes, as well as on the enactment of stories.The group footer appears at the bottom of each grouping level and may contain summaries or sub-totals for the grouped data.For one who has walked barefoot, even shoes with a hole is a dream come true.A football match is generally over in an hour-and-a-half of playing time.The group header and footer property is set to Yes to indicate that there is separate header and footer for each group of accounts in trial balance.Then someone, I don't know who, brought out a football.Such bodies are not made, in my opinion, on the football field.Travelling across the country I have seen children walking barefoot, in cities, on village roads.A business enterprise must aim at standing on stronger footing in terms of offering competitive products to its customers and serving them to their satisfaction.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English