Football example sentences

While some English team games like hockey and football became international games, played all over the world, cricket remained a colonial game, limited to countries that had once been part of the British empire.Then someone, I don't know who, brought out a football.Modern factory work meant that people were paid by the hour or the day or the week: games that were codified after the industrial revolution, like football and hockey, were strictly time-limited to fit the routines of industrial city life.Such bodies are not made, in my opinion, on the football field.In the midst of descriptions of the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society, the unseasonably warm weather, the opening matches of the football season and a recent bye-election, Duttada spotted the sentence he was eagerly looking for: “The charge of the Light Brigade has begun.A football match is generally over in an hour-and-a-half of playing time.The first one to be identified was C-60 which has carbon atoms arranged in the shape of a football.Which appears bigger, a football placed near you, or a football placed at a distance of 100 m? The stars are millions of times farther away than the Sun.Such games as cricket, hockey, football and tennis were for the privileged, he believed.Our colonial-born Indians are carried away with this football and cricket mania.Among the various sports such as hockey, football and tennis, cricket appears to be the most appealing national entertainment today.3 I should, however, be exceedingly surprised and even painfully surprised, if I were told that before cricket and football descended upon your sacred soil, your boys were devoid of all games.I certainly couldn t play football or baseball with a team of one.For example, you like playing football and another person in your class also loves playing football; there is a matching of your interests.I know that we have in India many noble indigenous games just as interesting and exciting as cricket or football, also as much attended with risks as football is, but with the added advantage that they are inexpensive, because the cost is practically next to nothing Speech at Mahindra College, 24 November 1927, The Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English