Free example sentences

This meant that residents had, at their disposal, a domestic currency which was freely convertible at a fixed price into another asset (gold) acceptable in international payments.The Prime Minister is free to choose ministers, as long as they are members of Parliament.If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.They have particularly drawn upon the right to freedom of religion and cultural and educational rights.In the Dutch Republic, in Switzerland, in Italy and Germany, Napoleon simplified administrative divisions, abolished the feudal system and freed peasants from serfdom and manorial dues.There has been a move from a regime of commitment of fixed-price convertibility to one without commitments where residents enjoy greater freedom to convert domestic currency into foreign currencies but do not enjoy a price guarantee.Even if a hundred people think in one way, you should have the freedom to think differently and express your views accordingly.Existentialists believe that from birth we have total freedom to give meaning to our existence or to avoid that responsibility.In 2005 the new king of Nepal dismissed the elected government and took back political freedoms that people had won in the previous decade.Referred to as the Young Bengal Movement, his students attacked tradition and custom, demanded education for women and campaigned for the freedom of thought and expression.These included reform of the educational system, free milk for children and redistribution of land to the landless farmers.5 kJ mol–1) than H–Br bond (36 7 kJ mol–1), is not cleaved by the free radical, whereas the H–I bond is weaker (29 8 kJ mol–1) and iodine free radicals combine to form iodine molecules instead of adding to the double bond.The environment was treated as a 'free' entity and any industry could pollute the air and water without any restrictions.The developed countries were imposing various kinds of quota restrictions under the Multi- Fibre Arrangement (MFA) that itself was a major departure from the GATT's basic principle of free trade in goods.In various ways, the tribes retained their freedom and preserved their separate culture.

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