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The important reactions of alkanes are free radical substitution, combustion, oxidation and aromatization.State of Bihar (1991), the Supreme Court held that the Right to Life is a Fundamental Right under Article 21 of the Constitution and it includes the right to the enjoyment of pollution-free water and air for full enjoyment of life.Of course, a person is free to change religion on his or her own will.The yardstick here is whether each of the countries has free and equal say in the decisions that affect them.In substantive terms it may be reasonable to expect from democracy a government that is attentive to the needs and demands of the people and is largely free of corruption.The environment was treated as a 'free' entity and any industry could pollute the air and water without any restrictions.It is a scheme under which an exporter is allowed duty free supply of domestic as well as imported inputs required for the manufacture of export goods.They have particularly drawn upon the right to freedom of religion and cultural and educational rights.The chlorine and methyl free radicals generated above repeat steps (a) and (b) respectively and thereby setup a chain of reactions.Accordingly, the government can impose certain reasonable restrictions on our freedoms in the larger interests of the society Freedom of speech and expression is one of the essential features of any democracy.They should be free to think, to have opinions, to express these in public, to form associations, to protest and take other political actions.At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.A commercial paper is sold on an unsecured basis and does not contain any restrictive conditions; As it is a freely transferable instrument, it has high liquidity; It provides more funds compared to other sources.Tea bushes require warm and moist frost-free climate all through the year.In the Birhor society, children from an early age are allowed enormous freedom to move into forests and learn hunting and gathering skills.

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