Front example sentences

People who procrastinate are deliberately avoiding confronting their fears of failure or rejection.Bales of fine textiles were carried on camel back via the north-west frontier, through mountain passes and across deserts.Since foreign trade transactions involve movement of goods across frontiers and use of foreign exchange, a number of formalities are needed to be performed before the goods leave the boundaries of a country and enter into that of another.He helped the British to suppress the rebellion though his own son was a rebel and was killed by the British in front of his eyes.For example, the Governor of the Bombay Presidency while dealing with an application from the Islam Gymkhana for land on Bombay s seafront wrote: we can be certain that in a short time we shall get a similar application from some Hindu Gymkhana I don t see how we are to refuse these applicants; but I will refuse any more grants once a Gymkhana has been established by each nationality .He bought computers and set up the classes in the front room of their house overlooking the market.Luckily, the seat booked for me was at the extreme front.International or external business can, therefore, be defined as those business activities that take place across the national frontiers.Prussia was given important new territories on its western frontiers, while Austria was given control of northern Italy.On the other hand, many dominant tribes of Punjab, Sind and the North-West Frontier had adopted Islam quite early.When several parties in a multi-party system join hands for the purpose of contesting elections and winning power, it is called an alliance or a front.Surely it was nothing unusual for poor vagabonds without any better shelter for the night to be attracted to the forge by the glow of light which escaped through the sooty panes, and to come in to warm themselves in front of the fire.Directly in front of alli, above the windshield, there was a beautiful clock.Their front rested on small wheels and they were hitched on to six yokes of oxen or horses.The person in front of you is constantly whispering to her/his friend.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English