Fund example sentences

The advantage of such an option is that a company can redeem the debentures at its convenience whenever it has surplus funds.It may be noted that no Debenture Redemption Reserve is required in case of convertible debentures because no funds are required for redemption.Sufficient funds are required to redeem debentures at the end of a specified period.Hence, most companies turn to raising long-term funds also through debentures which are issued either through the route of private placement or by offering the same to the public.The aim is to allow students to understand the ways in which this role of the government is linked to concerns addressed in our Fundamental Rights.Owner's funds refer to the funds that are provided by the owners of an enterprise.The Supreme Court and High Courts have the power to issue directions, orders or writs for the enforcement of the Fundamental Rights.This is called Sinking Fund method according to while the company makes necessary arrangements is sets aside a part of divisible profit every year and invest the same outside the business in marketable securities.The creation of Debenture Redemption Fund Account serves the purpose of Debenture Redemption Reserve as required by law and the SEBI guidelines, and is, after redemption is transferred to general reserve.For example, a club may maintain a special fund for sports activities.Issue of equity shares and retained earnings are the two important sources from where owner's funds can be obtained.The advantage of such an option is that a company can redeem the debentures at its convenience whenever it has surplus funds.It appears on the receipts side of the Receipt and Payment Account and is directly added to capital fund/general fund in the balance sheet, because it is not of recurring nature.The amount thus ascertained is transferred from profits every year to Debenture Redemption Fund and its investment is termed as Debenture Redemption Fund Investment.Sufficient funds are required to redeem debentures at the end of a specified period.

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