Handicap example sentences

Our own society has witnessed many deplorable instances of discrimination, with and without prejudice, based on gender, religion, community, caste, physical handicap, and illnesses such as AIDS.Multi-purpose projects, launched after Independence with their integrated water resources management approach, were thought of as the vehicle that would lead the nation to development and progress, overcoming the handicap of its colonial past.arious governments have different schemes for giving preference to women, poor or physically handicapped in some kinds of jobs.She has given inspiration to those who are handicapped, people who look to her and say, 'If she can do it, I can.This handicap stayed with me as the years rolled by.ulnerability to poverty is a measure, which describes the greater probability of certain communities (say, members of a backward caste) or individuals (such as a widow or a physically handicapped person) of becoming, or remaining, poor in the coming years.

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