Haven example sentences

“KIND sir, have pity; turn your attention to a poor, hungry man! For three days I have had nothing to eat; I haven't five copecks for a lodging, I swear it before God.What do you think, Sergeant Oop? I haven't a clue.” How are you? I'm sorry I haven't written for a very long time.You haven't heard about the Martian invasion of 2040? Tsk, tsk.“Hey, lady, haven't you laughed enough?” called, the conductor.Haven't you wondered why it doesn't flutter when the wind blows? That's Behrman's masterpiece.I'm the most unhappy of men! Why don't I put a bullet into my brain? Why haven't I cut my throat yet? What am I waiting for? Give me a knife! Give me a pistol! [Lomov moves] He seems to be coming round.There are no crowds: this is a haven of quietness in the busy streets around.Help! Water! Your father was a guzzling gambler! And there haven't been many backbiters to equal your aunt! My left foot has gone to sleep.Why haven't you been here for such a long time? Sit down.“Weren't you here when I gave him to the zoo six months ago?” “I haven't been here very long,” said the surprised keeper.“I haven't been brave,” said his disembodied computer-voice, the next afternoon.We have seen them since we were children, but haven't paid enough attention to them.“Weren't you here when I gave him to the zoo six months ago?” “I haven't been here very long,” said the surprised keeper.“I have now had an offer of a position in the province of Kaluga,” the mendicant went on, “but I haven't the money to get there.

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