Inner example sentences

He sat down at a table and was soon eating a big dinner.The most pleasant way was to go and have a good dinner at some fine restaurant.The penetration of a 2s-electron to the nucleus is more than that of a 2p-electron; hence the 2p electron of boron is more shielded from the nucleus by the inner core of electrons than the 2s electrons of beryllium.INNER : This Join clause is meant to display only exactly matching records between two data sources.This happens because the inner energy levels are filled with electrons, which serve to shield the outer electrons from the pull of the nucleus.A motive is an inner state that energises, activates or moves and directs behaviour towards goals.These rules will work only if the winner cannot change them very easily.These two series of elements are hence called the Inner- Transition Elements (f-Block Elements).For example, the 2s electron in lithium is shielded from the nucleus by the inner core of 1s electrons.” Ma Baxter asked anxiously, “You'll not be gone long?” Jody said, “I'll be back before dinner for sure.When we move from lithium to fluorine across the second period, successive electrons are added to orbitals in the same principal quantum level and the shielding of the nuclear charge by the inner core of electrons does not increase very much to compensate for the increased attraction of the electron to the nucleus.Inner to the hilum is a broad funnel shaped space called the renal pelvis with projections called calyces.” One day Golu met the mynah bird sitting in the middle of a bush, and he asked her, “What does the crocodile have for dinner?” The mynah said, “Go to the banks of the great, grassy Limpopo river and find out.These are characterised by the filling of inner d orbitals by electrons and are therefore referred to as d-Block Elements.Green algae usually have a rigid cell wall made of an inner layer of cellulose and an outer layer of pectose.

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