Killing example sentences

This was one of the worst instances of killings based on ethnic prejudices in recent times.The genocide committed by the Nazis in Germany against Jewish people is an extreme example of how prejudice can lead to hatred, discrimination and mass killing of innocent people.But the white racist government continued to rule by detaining, torturing and killing thousands of black and coloured people.With every breath came a burp, and with every burp, the danger of bringing out a jalebi or two — the fear was killing me.A Communist was a godless man he had no filial or conjugal love; he had no compunction about killing his own parents or his children; he was always out to cause and spread unrest and violence among innocent and ignorant people.Many countries have passed laws declaring that the trades as well as killing of birds and animals are illegal.Tilling before sowing of crops helps in uprooting and killing of weeds, which may then dry up and get mixed with the soil.Your idea is to elude the police by killing me and taking on my identity? Yes, I like the idea.The party that ruled through oppression and brutal killings and the party that led the freedom struggle sat together to draw up a common constitution.In most melodramas the villain is foolish enough to delay his killing long enough to be frustrated.The untreated industrial and urban wastes with high amount of chemicals are killing this species.In India, killing of lions, tigers, deers, great Indian bustards and peacocks have been banned An international convention CITES has been established that lists several species of animals and birds in which trade is prohibited.U radiations lead to ageing of skin, cataract, sunburn, skin cancer, killing of many phytoplanktons, damage to fish productivity etc.Due to indiscriminate killings, several birds and animals have either become extinct or are on the verge of extinction.I can hurt you without killing you, and still get my answers.

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