Knock example sentences

She and Maddie went around to the back yard and knocked there.On another occasion, I knocked a soft drink onto the lap of a sweet little lady sitting beside me.I knocked at the house next door and asked if anyone knew the whereabouts of a Mrs Macpherson.One dark evening as he was trudging along the road he caught sight of a little gray cottage by the roadside, and he knocked on the door to ask shelter for the night.Peggy knocked firmly on the door, but there was no answer.As he turns his head, Gerrard gives him a push into the cupboard, knocking the revolver out of his hand.He told me that he had knocked loudly on Mr Nath's door that evening and said, “Open the door quickly, Mr Nath.Minor mishaps such as knocking things over are common whereas more serious accidents and injuries can also occur.The flight attendant came and cleaned her up, and brought me a replacement drink, and instantly I knocked it onto the woman again.I hung on to him, yet the waves knocked me down and swept over me.

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