Liberalise example sentences

It was the very conditions imposed by IMF which more or less forced India to liberalise its economic policies.Instead of an organisation, what eventually emerged was an arrangement to liberalise international trade from high customs tariffs and various other types of restrictions.World Trade Organisation (WTO) is one such organisation whose aim is to liberalise international trade.All countries in the world should liberalise their policies.At the international level, WTO has put pressure on developing countries to liberalise trade and investment.The developing countries, however, have been given a greater freedom to decide about the period by which they would liberalise and also the services they would like to liberalise by that period GATS provides that trade in services is governed by 'Most Favoured Nations' (MFN) obligation that prevents countries from discriminating among foreign suppliers and services.Instead of altogether abandoning the idea, the countries that were participants to the Bretton Woods conference agreed upon having some arrangement among themselves so as to liberalise the world from high customs tariffs and various other types of restrictions that were in vogue at that time.

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