Limitation example sentences

The money measurement assumption is not free from limitations.In the first set are included factors like Historical Analysis, Ignores Price-Level Changes, Ignore Qualitative or Non-Monetary Aspects, Limitations of Accounting Data, ariations in Accounting Practices, and Forecasting.Yet the picture looks different if we ask deeper questions: Are people s preferences based on real knowledge? Are the voters getting a real choice? Is election really level playing field for everyone? Can an ordinary citizen hope to win elections? Questions of this kind bring the many limitations and challenges of Indian elections to our attention.It also discusses the advantages and limitations of various sources and points out the factors that determine the choice of a suitable source of business finance.Hence, to interpret the ratios, the user should be aware of the rules followed in the preparation of financial statements and also their nature and limitations.He further cautions him that each method has its own advantages and limitations and his final choice should be based on factors like the purpose and period for which funds are required.Despite the above mentioned limitations, exporting/importing is the most preferred way for business firms when they are getting initially involved with international business.In spite of these limitations, with the growth in the economy, vending machines have a promising future in retail sales of high turnover and low priced consumer products.These limitations of accounting must be kept in view while making use of the accounting information.The other set includes the limitation of the ratio analysis per set.But there are limitations to the use of electrical impulses.In the following sections, we shall discuss in detail important ways of entering into international business along with their advantages and limitations.As such, the financial analysis also suffers from various limitations of financial statements.A brief description of various sources, along with their advantages and limitations is given below.Thus, the limitations of financial statements also form the limitations of the ratio analysis.

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