Love example sentences

[Sheds a tear] And I've always loved you, my angel, as if you were my own son.Business is considered to be an economic activity because it is undertaken with the object of earning money or livelihood and not because of love, affection, sympathy or any other sentimental reason.Why should I? And you know, my beloved, that if you propose to go on arguing about it, I'd much sooner give up the Meadows to the peasants than to you.It is a tale of two lovers belonging to two hostile families who are separated by the war and finally reunited.Muslims regard the Quran as their holy book and accept the sovereignty of the one God, Allah, whose love, mercy and beauty embrace all those who believe in Him, without regard to social background.Supportive friends and family provide emotional support by reassuring the individual that she/he is loved, valued, and cared for.Are these goats mad, he wondered! Or was it their love for freedom! But freedom meant struggle, hardship, even death.Mumbai: Students in the sixth grade of a certain school in Navi Mumbai love their history lessons thanks to a novel teaching aid.May God give you both — His help and His love and so on, and so much hope.Why was it so? Was it for the love of the loaf? Not at all.My American publisher said while she loved my book, she didn't expect to sell more than 3,000 copies in a country where nobody has seen a cathedral or studies Latin.I felt gratitude for my life, my new friends, the kindness of a stranger and the loud purr of my beloved cat.Resilience has recently been defined in terms of three resources: I HA E (social and interpersonal strengths), i.e. 'people around me I trust and who love me no matter what', I AM (inner strengths), i.e. 'respectful of myself and others', and I CAN ( interpersonal and problem solving skills), i.e. 'find ways to solve problems I face'.Maslow had an optimistic and positive view of man who has the potentialities for love, joy and to do creative work.He himself loved to play cricket, and so he organised cricket matches for children.

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