Lover example sentences

It was in about the 1660s that farmers in many parts of England began growing turnip and clover.It is a tale of two lovers belonging to two hostile families who are separated by the war and finally reunited.Didn't his doctor tell him to take special precautions against the cold? But he wouldn't remember to put on a sweater even if it was lying on his bedside chair! How could he when Dibya had put her spell on him? She picked up the white woollen pullover, wrapped herself in a shawl and made her way to the roof, to break up his tete-a-tete with Dibya.By restoring nitrogen, turnip and clover made the soil fertile once again.Samuel Richardson's Pamela, written in the eighteenth century, told much of its story through an exchange of letters between two lovers.So farmers began cultivating turnips and clover regularly.There was a wooden bench beneath a solitary elm where lovers sometimes came.They sought union with God much as a lover seeks his beloved with a disregard for the world.

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