Market example sentences

For instance, the car manufacturing plant of Ford Motors in India not only produces cars for the Indian markets, it also exports cars to other developing countries and exports car components for its many factories around the world.Businessmen are engaged in trading activities as middlemen to make the goods available to consumers in different markets.Production is not solely for the market; a great part of it is consumed by the family.While using many goods and services, we as consumers, have the right to be protected against the marketing of goods and delivery of services that are hazardous to life and property.These factors cause degradation in quality, loss in weight, poor germinability, discolouration of produce, all leading to poor marketability.If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.As the wholesalers are in direct contact with the retailers, they are in a position to advice the manufacturers about various aspects including customer's tastes and preferences, market conditions, competitive activities and the features preferred by the buyers.The price for APL family is almost as high as open market price, so there is little incentive for them to buy these items from the ration shop.Prices of similar goods in the two markets tend to become equal.If the company fails to repay the loan along with interest, the sender is free to receive his money from the sale of primary security and if the realisable value of the primary security falls short to cover the entire amount, the lender has the right to invoke the benefit of collateral security whereby debentures may either be presented for redemption or sold in the open market.The textiles of Surat were famous for their gold lace borders (zari) and had a market in West Asia, Africa and Europe.Since we are dealing with all goods and services that are produced for the market, i.e. to be sold, the crucial factor enabling such sale is demand for such products backed by purchasing power.In the urban areas, the food insecure families are those whose working members are generally employed in ill-paid occupations and casual labour market.A series of markets that are connected like links in a chain because products pass from one market to another.Given the many soaps in the market, the company will have to give the soap a different and special name.

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