Matting example sentences

The Report wizard allows a designer to choose the fields from multiple tables along with specification for grouping, sorting and formatting of information content in report.At the most three conditions can be set up for conditional formatting.Information generation is the process of compiling, arranging, formatting and presenting information to the users.Provide conditional formatting of amount so that its colour turns ino red as and when an expense voucher exceeding Rs.The label can be reselected by a click, followed by using the formatting tool bar to format the title.If there are multiple conditions for formatting, Add button can be clicked to call for additional formatting conditions.This is achieved by a right click at text box for amount to get short-cut window so that conditional formatting item is selected.Click colour icon to select Red colour in condition- Click OK to close the conditional formatting dialog.Access responds by providing conditional formatting window which appears as follows : Conditional formatting window, as shown above, is divided into two parts: the default setting and condition- Since the formatting is to occur on the basis of a field value, the criteria list control can be used to select greater than and Rs.They made and sold wares such as ropes, reeds, straw matting and coarse sacks.20,000 is entered in the right most box of condtion- There are five icons: bold, Italics, underline, Back colour and Fore colour for formatting the data value.As and when the condition is satisfied, the formatting based on the selected icons applies to the data value.The conditional formatting is displayed in a text control when the value of text control meets a specified criteria or a set of specified criterion.A conditional formatting dialog appears in which condition- 1 is to be given as Field value greater than Rs.The conditional formatting of text boxes and combo boxes in reports can be achieved in the same manner, as it applies to Forms.

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