Measured example sentences

Standard state (c0) for a solute is 1 molar solution and all concentrations can be measured with respect to it.They have to report the activities of the business organisation affecting the society, which can be determined and described or measured and which are important in its social environment.However, it will be wrong to conclude that what cannot be measured is not important.Joule between 1840–50 and he was able to show that a given amount of work done on the system, no matter how it was done (irrespective of path) produced the same change of state, as measured by the change in the temperature of the system.It is always connected in series in a circuit through which the current is to be measured.Growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume increase in the number of employees, the number of products or the increase in capital investment, etc.The reliability of accounting information is determined by the degree of correspondence between what the information conveys about the transactions or events that have occurred, measured and displayed.Yield is measured as crop produced on a given piece of land during a single season.Work can be measured by w = –pex? , in case of expansion of gases.Recording : Once the economic events are identified and measured in financial terms, these are recorded in books of account in monetary terms and in a chronological order.Any attribute will be said to exist in a person only if it can be measured by using scientific procedures.Economic development can be measured and income is the most common method for measuring development.Since the bomb calorimeter is sealed, its volume does not change i.e., the energy changes associated with reactions are measured at constant volume.The numerator expresses prices abroad measured in rupees, the denominator gives the domestic price level measured in rupees, so the real exchange rate measures prices abroad relative to those at home.People's participation in election is usually measured by voter turnout figureures.

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