Membership example sentences

Further, add entrance fees, legacies, life membership fees, etc.Instead they maintain capital fund which is also called general fund that goes on accumulating due to surpluses generated, life membership fee, donation, legacies, etc.Some members prefer to pay lump sum amount as life membership fee instead of paying periodic subscription.It is also a common practice to add some of the capitalised items like legacies, entrance fees and life membership fees directly in the capital fund.Some of the common peculiar items are explained as under: Subscriptions: Subscription is a membership fee paid by the member on annual basis.In the primary group, boundaries are less permeable, i.e. members do not have the option to choose its membership as compared to secondary groups where it is easy to leave and join another group.Group membership provides knowledge and information and thus broadens our view.Have you ever been away to a place where you were without your family, school, and friends? How did you feel? Did you feel there was something vital missing in your life? Our lives are influenced by the nature of group membership we have.Not till 1989 was the privileged position of England and Australia scrapped in favour of equal membership.Thus, family, caste, and religion are primary groups whereas membership of a political party is an example of a secondary group.Parties do not keep membership registers, do not hold organisational meetings, and do not conduct internal elections regularly.The company being an artificial person created by law continues to exist irrespactive of the changes in its membership.It is also a common practice to add some of the capitalised items like legacies, entrance fees and life membership fees directly in the capital fund.It is difficult to leave a cohesive group or to gain membership of a group which is highly cohesive.Social identity is, thus, that aspect of our self-concept which is based on our group membership.

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