Merely example sentences

It is merely an opinion of the accountant based on application of accounting policies.Social behaviour is a necessary part of human life, and being social means much more than merely being in the company of others.The environment is something that people over generations will share, and it could not be destroyed merely for industrial development.They have also pointed to the fact that this Act merely confirms what has already been promised to tribal people in the Constitution – that land belonging to tribal people cannot be sold to or bought by non-tribal people.It has to be understood that poverty is not merely an economic problem, and violence is not merely a question of breaking the law.But the question is : Does merely seeing violence on television make a person aggressive? Or are there other situational factors that actually make a person show aggression? The answer is obtained through information about specific situational factors.However, if the perceiver may be asked to pay attention to all the information, and not merely to the first information, whatever information comes at the end may have a stronger influence.The hood was spread out and its head was hardly three or four inches from my face! It would not be correct to say merely that I sat there holding my breath.They observe a person's facial expressions posture, movement, and appearance, which provide important cues that may not be obvious merely by listening to the verbal part of the message.The Mughal emperor merely confirmed the decisions already taken by the Nizam.The case of Rashmi reveals an important fact of managerial work; it is not always possible to get the best of work from employees merely by exercising formal authority.Better be careful, wise guy! Are you American, or is that merely a clever imitation? Listen, this gun's no toy.Health is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.Do you want that to happen, you idiot?” Nishad merely glared at me and quietly walked out of the room.A constitution is not merely a statement of values and philosophy.

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