Message example sentences

Face-to-face transmission of the message is usually more effective than indirect transmission, as for instance, through letters and pamphlets, or even through mass media.Before actually communicating the message, it is better to involve others in developing a plan for communication.Advertisements became a vehicle of the nationalist message of swadeshi.The motives activated by the message also determine attitude change.The communicator may ensure the success of communication by asking questions regarding the message conveyed.If the message relates directly or indirectly to such interests and needs it certainly evokes response from communicatee.For example, a worried person cannot communicate properly and an angry receiver cannot understand the real meaning of message.While conveying message to others, it is better to know the interests and needs of the people with whom you are communicating.You (communicator A) encoded a message (you need a pen) and used a channel for transmitting it (vocal chords producing sound waves) to your friend (communicator B).The message of the plays were usually plain and simple homilies, but the sets and costumes were first-rate.Creating a proper message, tackling environmental noise, and providing feedback are ways of reducing distortions and making effective communication.What is the psychological message in all of these examples? The message is that although most of the effects mentioned above are physical in nature, human beings have brought about these effects in order to exhibit their control and power over the natural environment.Some times people evaluate the meaning of message before the sender completes his message.The message should be stimulating to evoke response from the listeners.The message is sent to someone who receives it using her or his primary signal system.

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