Minor example sentences

In such a case, the minority member(s) would be more likely to conform because the group pressure would be stronger.The new Act was opposed by the Tamil-speaking minority who lived in the north of the island.In other words, you might want a system where at least a minimum is guaranteed to everyone – powerful or weak, rich or poor, majority or minority.You might wonder why were the Constitution makers were so particular in providing written guarantees of the rights of the minorities.This occurs when the minority takes a firm and uncompromising stand, thereby creating a doubt on the correctness of the majority's viewpoint.He was known to have got a number of political opponents killed and persons of ethnic minorities massacred.Both these documents were committed to the inclusion of universal adult franchise, right to freedom and equality and to protecting the rights of minorities in the constitution of independent India.This is a phenomenon by which the majority group places the blame on a minority outgroup for its own social, economic or political problems.Some minor products are also possible which you can think over.For those belonging to the minority community, it can take the form of a desire to form a separate political unit.They agreed that the majority would not take away the property of the white minority.In particular it has to respect some guarantees to the minorities.Rights protect minorities from the oppression of majority.A centrist party (neither rightist nor leftist) in its ideological orientation, the party espouses secularism and welfare of weaker sections and minorities.With a long coastline of 7,51 6 km, India is dotted with 12 major and 181 medium and minor ports.

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