Naturally example sentences

Chemical species present in the environment are either naturally occurring or generated by human activities.Those groups that did not have access to education or were prohibited from acquiring it have naturally lagged behind.A naturally occurring substance that has a definite chemical composition is a mineral.If people cannot be used as a resource they naturally appear as a liability to the economy.The discussion naturally turned to Kishenji, who was regarded as a friend, political philosopher and moral guide by all the movement groups in the country.The social superiority of the amateur was also the reason the captain of a cricket team was traditionally a batsman: not because batsmen were naturally better captains but because they were generally Gentlemen.” Ustad Bismillah Khan's life is a perfect example of the rich, cultural heritage of India, one that effortlessly accepts that a devout Muslim like him can very naturally play the shehnai every morning at the Kashi ishwanath temple.Nuclear power is obtained from energy stored in the nuclei of atoms of naturally occurring radio active elements like uranium and thorium.Small amounts of mineral salts are naturally present in it.This naturally has an impact on whether girls can attend school.The Periodic Law revealed important analogies among the 94 naturally occurring elements (neptunium and plutonium like actinium and protoactinium are also found in pitch blende an ore of uranium).Methane is produced naturally when vegetation is burnt, digested or rotted in the absence of oxygen.Neither did Ernest know that the thoughts which came to him so naturally, in the fields and at the fireside, were of a higher tone than those which all men shared with him.There was a time when our forefathers lived on the surface quite naturally.When interacting with people we notice that some of them seem to be 'naturally' more hottempered, and show more aggression than others.

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