Novelist example sentences

Within thirty years, however, Orissa produced a major novelist in Fakir Mohon Senapati (1843-1918).On the other hand, Indian novelists wrote to develop a modern literature of the country that could produce a sense of national belonging and cultural equality with their colonial masters.While novelists before Burman had featured 'low' castes as their protagonists, Titash is special because the author is himself from a 'low-caste', fisherfolk community.As a young apprentice architect, British poet and novelist Thomas Hardy once visited a parish to supervise the restoration of a church.Henry Fielding, a novelist of the early eighteenth century, claimed he was 'the founder of a new province of writing' where he could make his own laws.But women novelists did not simply popularise the domestic role of women.The nineteenth-century British novelist Thomas Hardy, for instance, wrote about traditional rural communities of England that were fast vanishing.Sometimes the household of the great Bangla novelist Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay would host a jatra in the courtyard where members of the family would be gathered.Leading novelists of the nineteenth century wrote for a cause.In the twentieth century, Sailabala Ghosh Jaya, a popular novelist, could only write because her husband protected her.The English novelist and academic David Lodge once remarked, “I can't understand how one man can do all the things he [Eco] does.By the twentieth century, the power of telling stories in simple language made Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (1876-1938) the most popular novelist in Bengal and probably in the rest of India.We have seen some examples of these in Premchand, but they are equally present in the works of other novelists.But ask most people about Umberto Eco and they will say, “Oh, he's the novelist.Leaders and reformers wrote to spread their ideas, poets and novelists wrote to express their feelings.

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