Obedience example sentences

He disregarded the order to leave, “not for want of respect for lawful authority, but in obedience to the higher law of our being, the voice of conscience”.A distinguishing feature of obedience is that such behaviour is a response to a person in authority.Obedience is the most direct and explicit form of social influence, whereas compliance is less direct than obedience because someone has requested and thus you comply (here, the probability of refusal is there).When compliance is shown to an instruction or order from a person in authority, such as parents, teachers, leaders, or policemen, that behaviour is called obedience.Before he went he met leading associates and again laid detailed plans for civil disobedience if he should not return.We can see that there are some similarities between conformity, compliance, and obedience, but there are also some differences.Civil disobedience had triumphed, the first time in modern India.This section describes three important group influence processes, i.e. conformity, compliance and obedience.Authority gradually increases commands from lesser to greater levels and initial obedience binds the followers for commitment.

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