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The white cricket elite in India offered no help to the enthusiastic Parsis.Hence, most companies turn to raising long-term funds also through debentures which are issued either through the route of private placement or by offering the same to the public.Governments also offer special scholarships for these students.Hence, most companies turn to raising long-term funds also through debentures which are issued either through the route of private placement or by offering the same to the public.The world around us offers a tremendous variety of such arrangements and it would be ideal to explain these aspects of credit from situations that are familiar to your students.When the number of debentures applied for is more than the number of debentures offered to the public, the issue is said to be over subscribed.Rate of interest on deposits is usually higher than that offered by banks and other financial institutions.If debentureholders find that the offer is beneficial to them, they will take advantage of this offer.If debentureholders find that the offer is beneficial to them, they can exercise their right of converting their debentures into new class of debentures or shares.This is what Rajat has to say about the challenges of his job: In the capacity of the country manager the global manager has to deal with establishing his company s legal and business presence in the form of a local office or business partner, contacting and negotiating with clients, with legal bodies including lawyers and immigration authorities since the services involve having technical staff from India to be based in USA/Europe, as also with local companies offering recruitment services.In China the elections do not offer the people any serious choice.If debentureholders find that the offer is beneficial to them, they can exercise their right of converting their debentures into new class of debentures or shares.However, do they offer equal opportunities? We will try to understand this through the story of a shirt in the next chapter.Indrani, obviously uneasy, offered the explanation: “I have arranged a yajna and called priests to bless you.When the number of debentures applied for is more than the number of debentures offered to the public, the issue is said to be over subscribed.

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