Opportunity example sentences

The basic aim of the programme is to provide farmers in rural India with the opportunity to make use of a direct marketing channel eliminating multiple intermediation and wasteful handling and unnecessary transaction costs.About six months later, when my grandparents were visiting relatives in Lucknow, Grandfather took the opportunity of calling at the zoo to see how Timothy was getting on.A challenge is a difficulty that carries within it an opportunity for progress.Equality means giving everyone an equal opportunity to achieve whatever one is capable of.For the Chinese toy makers, this provides an opportunity to expand business.As mentioned earlier, interest rate can be thought of as an opportunity cost or 'price' of holding money balance.Groups of people travelled long distances in search of opportunity.The aim is to make people 'hurry' and make the purchase before they miss the rare opportunity.This is an important step for it is linked to the first condition of a democratic election: everyone should get an equal opportunity to choose representatives.Structural conditions include high rates of poverty, economic and social stratification, inequality, limited political and social opportunity, etc.This is an important step for it is linked to the first condition of a democratic election: everyone should get an equal opportunity to choose representatives.When did you ever afford them a fair opportunity of exhibiting their natural capacity? How then can you accuse them of want of understanding? If, after instruction in knowledge and wisdom, a person cannot comprehend or retain what has been taught him, we may consider him as deficient; but if you do not educate women how can you see them as inferior.Opening a cold storage could give an opportunity for farmers to store their products like potatoes and onions and sell them when the price is good.The opportunity cost associated with these funds is not recognised by many firms.A girl expects as much freedom and opportunity as her brother, and that he also shares in the household work.

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