Out example sentences

You will learn about this statistical technique later.These saint-poets rejected all forms of ritualism, outward display of piety and social differences based on birth.In this manner, from a happy yet often pensive child he grew up to be a mild and quiet youth.We need to be able to critically understand why they use particular images, the personal emotion that they are appealing to and the ways in which this affects how we think about ourselves when we use the product or are not able to buy it.You must have read about the protests by the Narmada Bachao Andolan ('Save the Narmada Movement') about raising the height of the Sardar.Some parents kept novels in the lofts in their houses, out of their children's reach.Another experiment you may have carried out is the half-leaf experiment, where a part of a leaf is enclosed in a test tube containing some KOH soaked cotton (which absorbs CO2), while the other half is exposed to air.Parents, friends, teachers and other significant persons play a vital role in shaping a child's ideas about self.It is said that one's best comes out when one is challenged.There are about 6 lakh ration shops all over the country.Prof Ahmad pointed out that trees had crowns of different types and sizes.In a lecture delivered at the University of Sorbonne in 1882, the French philosopher Ernst Renan (1823-92) outlined his understanding of what makes a nation.The latitudinal extent influences the duration of the day and night, as one moves from south to north.Grandfather stroked the tiger's forehead and tickled his ears, and, whenever he growled, smacked him across the mouth, which was his old way of keeping him quiet.Then the little bird began to sing and he sang a beautiful song all about the lake in the King's garden and the willow trees that looked at themselves in the still water and the goldfish that glided in and out of the branches that were reflected in it.

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