Pasture example sentences

The extent of the area available for grazing has gone down tremendously with the extension of area under cultivation because of increasing population, extension of irrigation facilities, acquiring the pastures for Government purposes, for example, defence, industries and agricultural experimental farms.In the previous two chapters you read about pastures and forests, and about those who depended on these resources.Since they could not shift their cattle to places where pastures were available, large numbers of Maasai cattle died of starvation and disease in these years of drought.When pasturelands in one place was closed to them, they changed the direction of their movement, reduced the size of the herd, combined pastoral activity with other forms of income and adapted to the changes in the modern world.Some reduced the number of cattle in their herds, since there was not enough pasture to feed large numbers.These measures led to a serious shortage of pastures.The land under permanent pasture has also decreased.This pattern of cyclical movement between summer and winter pastures was typical of many pastoral communities of the Himalayas, including the Bhotiyas, Sherpas and Kinnauris.Pastoralists had to pay tax on every animal they grazed on the pastures.Similarly, the reservation of forests meant that shepherds and cattle herders could no longer freely pasture their cattle in the forests.This led to continuous intensive grazing of these pastures.They were confined to an arid zone with uncertain rainfall and poor pastures.As cultivation expanded, pasturelands were turned into cultivated fields.As pasturelands disappeared under the plough, the existing animal stock had to feed on whatever grazing land remained.In the nineteenth century, African pastoralists could move over vast areas in search of pastures.

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