Pencil example sentences

For example, stock of erasers, pencils, scales, etc.Monthly accounts used to be recorded on some wall in pencil.A pencil and eraser is provided to facilitate drawing.You will see small general stores in the village selling a wide range of items like rice, wheat, sugar, tea, oil, biscuits, soap, toothpaste, batteries, candles, notebooks, pen, pencil, even some cloth.The convention of materiality is followed in dealing with small items like pencils, pens, postage stamps, etc.If the price of a pencil is Rs 2 and that of a pen is Rs 10 we can calculate the relative price of a pen with respect to a pencil, viz.Think about activities like walking in a straight line, riding a bicycle, picking up a pencil.It was written in pencil and dated at the top — “December 26, 1914”.

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