Placing example sentences

As a result, in the year 2003, the tertiary sector has emerged as the largest producing sector in India replacing the primary sector.It may be remembered that first member of alkene series is: CH2 (replacing n by 1 in CnH2n) known as methene but has a very short life.The Form is designed by placing several such controls, which have their own functionality and properties.However, he often emphasised that games like cricket and hockey were imported into India by the British and were replacing traditional games.This could be done by placing the nuclear payload in a spaceship, sending it to intercept the approaching comet and detonating it by remote control., you might have seen the electrician spending lot of time in trouble-locating and replacing the 'dead' bulb – each has to be tested to find which has fused or gone.How many different ways can you think of to light the candle without disturbing the set-up? Using a similar setup as the one used by Priestley, but by placing it once in the dark and once in the sunlight, Jan Ingenhousz (1730-1799) showed that sunlight is essential to the plant process that somehow purifies the air fouled by burning candles or breathing animals.In such compounds, the element replacing hydrogen is referred to as a heteroatom.In IUPAC system, they are named as derivatives of the corresponding alkanes replacing 'ane' by the suffix 'yne'.A significant part of current output of capital goods goes in maintaining or replacing part of the existing stock of capital goods.The functional group is attached to the carbon chain through this valency by replacing one hydrogen atom or atoms.For a gaseous reaction equilibrium constant is expressed as Kp and is written by replacing concentration terms by partial pressures in Kc expression.

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