Pledge example sentences

It may pledge or mortgage some assets as a secured loan against the said loan.It may pledge or mortgage some assets as a secured loan against the said loan.In such a situation, the company may issue its own debentures to the lenders in addition to some other assets already pledged.In such a situation, the company may issue its own debentures to the lenders in addition to some other assets already pledged.It may pledge or mortgage some assets as a secured loan against the said loan.In such a situation, the company may issue its own debentures to the lenders in addition to some other assets already pledged.In such a situation, the company may issue its own debentures to the lenders in addition to some other assets already pledged.In such a situation, the company may issue its own debentures to the lenders in addition to some other assets already pledged.It may pledge or mortgage some assets as a secured loan against the said loan.It may pledge or mortgage some assets as a secured loan against the said loan.It may pledge or mortgage some assets as a secured loan against the said loan.It may pledge or mortgage some assets as a secured loan against the said loan.Finally let us turn to Jawaharlal Nehru giving his famous speech to the Constituent Assembly at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 194 Long years ago we made a tryst with destiny, and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge, not wholly or in full measure, but very substantially.That future is not one of ease or resting but of incessant striving so that we may fulfil the pledges we have so often taken and the one we shall take today.The creditworthiness of a person is judged by her current assets or the collateral (a security pledged for the repayment of a loan) she can offer.

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