Positive example sentences

Net exports are thus given by CE? – which, because AD is necessarily below DD? , is necessarily positive.The essence of this approach is to replace negative and irrational thoughts with positive and rational ones.It critically drew upon the ideals of religions – especially of Hinduism and Christianity – looking at their negative and positive dimensions.There is growing evidence that social support is positively related to psychological well-being.On the whole, the impact of Government policy changes particularly in respect of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation has been positive as the Indian business and industry has shown great resilience in dealing with the new economic order.In other words, the ionization enthalpy of the extreme left element in a period is the least and the electron gain enthalpy of the element on the extreme right is the highest negative (note : noble gases having completely filled shells have rather positive electron gain enthalpy values).Adhering to a lifestyle that includes balanced low fat diet, regular exercise and continued activity along with positive thinking enhances health and longevity.For two years past I have had constant communications with the cultivators in some of the districts south of the Jumna and state positively the people are discontented and dissatisfied almost to a man.Suppose a person (P) has a positive attitude towards dowry (P- positive).The valence of an attitude tells us whether an attitude is positive or negative towards the attitude object.Both positive and negative events are taken, believing that both kinds of changes cause stress.When individuals see that such behaviour is shown by others, is expected and socially approved, they may ultimately develop a positive attitude towards such behaviour and the associated feelings of devotion.As a result, the valence electron experiences a net positive charge which is less than the actual charge of + In general, shielding is effective when the orbitals in the inner shells are completely filled.Credit therefore plays a vital and positive role in this situation.?rG0 also depends upon ?rS0, if the changes in the entropy of reaction is also taken into account, the value of K or extent of chemical reaction will also be affected, depending upon whether ?rS0 is positive or negative.

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