Pot example sentences

An environment of poverty and deprivation has far-reaching implications for developing human potential, social harmony and mental health.High speed winds were a potential resource two hundred years ago.Remember that Boojho set out to test whether potato conducted electricity or not.It has been hypothesised that there is a hormonal substance(s) that is responsible for flowering.3 per cent of our total intake of nutrients, they are so potent and so important that without them we would not be able to utilise the other 9 7 per cent of foodstuffs.According to his telling of history, before the British came to India, Hindu and Muslim despots ruled the country.In October of that year, a veteran Gandhian named Potti Sriramulu went on a hunger fast demanding the formation of Andhra state to protect the interests of Telugu speakers.If properly analysed, the ratios make us understand various problem areas as well as the bright spots of the business.New foods and beverages arrived in the subcontinent: potatoes, corn, chillies, tea and coffee.Hypothetically, the category type 4 above refers to Liabilities and the category type 1 indicates Expenses.Immediately he put the porridge pot on the fire and gave him supper; then he carved off such a big slice from his tobacco roll that it was enough both for the stranger's pipe and his own.It is an important producer of pea, cauliflower, onion, cabbage, tomato, brinjal and potato.Silicon and oxygen are common elements in all types of feldspar and sodium, potassium, calcium, aluminium etc.Also there is a need to persuade potential buyers about the uses, quality, prices, competitive information about the goods etc.The energy transferred to an object is stored as potential energy if it is not used to cause a change in the velocity or speed of the object.

Meaning in Hindi Meaning in English