Powerful example sentences

At other times they were attempts by powerful chieftains to consolidate their own positions.Recently, many powerful countries in the world, particularly the United States of America, have taken on the task of democracy promotion in the rest of the world.Indians used the novel as a powerful medium to criticise what they considered defects in their society and to suggest remedies.Rathnam sought the support of law, filing his complaint under the above Act to protest against the domination and violence of the powerful castes in his village.This requires an attempt to bring down the control and influence of the rich and powerful people in making governmental decision.(in a singsong) O Great and Mighty Think-Tank, Ruler of Mars and her two moons, most powerful and intelligent creature in the whole universe — (out of breath) what-are-your-orders? That's better, Noodle.Rathnam's refusal angered both the powerful castes in the village and some families from his own community.This powerful aristocracy was, however, numerically a small group.Indira Gandhi was also a very powerful leader compared to her colleagues in the Cabinet.He crossed the seas and went to England to see what made the British powerful.The ambitions of the Nizam to control the rich textile-producing areas of the Coromandel coast in the east were checked by the British who were becoming increasingly powerful in that region.The richer farmers expanded grain production, sold this grain in the world market, made profits, and became powerful.But this does not mean that Rajya Sabha is more powerful than Lok Sabha.In stratosphere, they get broken down by powerful U radiations, releasing chlorine free radical.The imagined nation of the novel was so powerful that it could inspire actual political movements.

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