Precise example sentences

It is precisely because of the socio-cultural differences that while people in China prefer bicycles, the Japanese in contrast like to ride bikes.Being electron precise molecules, they are normally not expected to act as electron acceptor or electron donor species.For example, profit of the business is not a precise and final figureure.At the time of setting standards, a manager should try to set standards in precise quantitative terms as this would make their comparison with actual performance much easier.International experience shows that it is precisely this that has led many countries to abandon the system of fixed exchange rates.Because language is symbolic, it is necessary to be as clear and precise as possible when using words.Those belonging to the second category circulated orally and cannot be precisely dated.And where precisely have you got? It didn't require a great brain to break into my little cottage.The word energy is very often used in our daily life, but in science we give it a definite and precise meaning.ntelligence tests developed in western cultures look precisely for these skills in an individual.If it is so important that hormones should be secreted in precise quantities, we need a mechanism through which this is done.Sometimes it is actually incorrect to fix precise dates to processes that happen over a period of time.This is precisely the reason as to why countries trade with others and engage in what is known as international business.To begin with, it is essential and sufficient to know that the development of a mature plant from a zygote (fertilised egg) follow a precise and highly ordered succession of events.This is precisely what has prompted many of the multinationals from the developed countries to enter into markets of developing countries.

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