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It is also used in thermal power plants to produce electricity.After meiosis, spores are produced within the capsule.Wholesalers take delivery of goods when these are produced in factory and keep them in their godowns/warehouses.This is largely done through laws and the chapter focuses on the importance of implementing existing laws as well as making new laws to protect the rights of workers, consumers and producers in the market.India produces about four per cent of the world's coffee production.They may be producers of goods and services who decide what and how much to produce., and financial resources, i.e., funds to be able to produce and supply goods and services to its customers.These goods may be produced directly under government management or by the private sector.In the early years, the fertile soil produced good crops.Carbon monoxide in water gas or producer gas can undergo further combustion forming carbon dioxide with the liberation of heat.Sweat produced by the sweat glands is a watery fluid containing NaCl, small amounts of urea, lactic acid, etc.Non-biodegradable wastes are generated by thermal power plants which produce fly ash; integrated iron and steel plants which produce blast furnace slag and steel melting slag.Coarser cottons were produced in many countries, but the finer varieties often came from India.Alkenes on reaction with cold, dilute, aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (Baeyer's reagent) produce vicinal glycols.Our body also generates energy from food by the same overall process as combustion, although the final products are produced after a series of complex bio-chemical reactions involving enzymes.

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