Professional example sentences

However, what is critical is training as a researcher and internalisation of certain professional values.he knew that the professionals with their pre-assigned programmes would be looking at faint stars and nebulous galaxies.But, if the buyers are themselves schoolchildren, they may be convinced more by another schoolchild advertising a laptop than they would be by a professional giving the same information (see Figureure 1).How can one develop into a professional psychologis.The history that brought about this transformation was made up of many smaller changes: the replacement of the gentlemanly amateur by the paid professional, the triumph of the one-day game as it overshadowed Test cricket in terms of popularity, and the remarkable changes in global commerce and technology.This knowledge can be acquired at different colleges and professional institutes and through a number of books and journals.Software and other miscellaneous services (including professional technical and business services) have emerged as the main categories of India's exports of services.For example, a professional psychologist addresses the problem at the scientific level.Before entering any professional arena, it, therefore, becomes pertinent for a psychologist to equip herself/himself with these indispensable competencies.For this, two methods are mandated by law and enforced by professional accounting practice in India.They might miss such an insignificant thing as a comet which they were not expecting to see anyway! Indeed amateurs had often discovered new comets which the professionals had missed.Political leaders all over the world, like all other professionals, are motivated by a desire to advance their political careers.Professional help will be needed to cope with them especially if they persist for many months after the event is over.This includes self-help approaches as well as professional treatment.Political leaders all over the world, like all other professionals, are motivated by a desire to advance their political careers.

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