Question example sentences

What are the essential things that we require? Can life be better for all? How should people live together? Can there be more equality? Development involves thinking about these questions and about the ways in which we can work towards achieving these goals.This becomes clear if we ask a basic question: Can a party win an election and come to power not because it has popular support but through electoral malpractices? This is a vital question.Take a moment and try to answer these questions : Can a tree be your 'best friend'? When it gets hot, or when it is crowded, do people become more aggressive? If rivers are said to be holy, why do people make them dirty? How can one remedy the traumatic effects of a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami, or of a manmade disaster such as a poisonous gas leak in a factory? Compare two children who grow up in different physical environments, one in an environment filled with colourful toys, pictures and books, and the other in an environment that contains only the bare necessities of life.While Surinder is right in a simple sense, we cannot say that the question of democracy does not arise here.He asked his tall aunt, the ostrich, “Why don't you ever fly like other birds?” Then he asked his tall uncle, the giraffe, “What makes your skin so spotty?” He asked his huge uncle, the hippopotamus, “Why are your eyes always so red?” He asked his hairy uncle, the baboon, “Why do melons taste like melons?” The ostrich, the giraffe, the hippopotamus and the baboon had no answers to Golu's questions.This concluding chapter draws upon all that you have learnt in the last two years so as to address the fundamental questions of democratic politics : What are the challenges that democracy faces in our country and elsewhere? What can be done to reform democratic politics? How can our democracy become more democratic in its practice and outcomes? This chapter does not answer these questions.With the growing population of India, the declining food production puts a big question mark over the country's future food security.What generates the economic wealth of a nation? What makes countries rich or poor? These are some of the central questions of economics.The question of defining any art form as “classical” is often quite complicated.Make a list of all those pieces of information that you obtained by watching T in the last one week, and write down the answers to the following questions : Which shows did you watch? Which pieces of information indicate a positive form of behaviour.Since globalisation is now a reality, the question is how to make globalisation more 'fair'? Fair globalisation would create opportunities for all, and also ensure that the benefits of globalisation are shared better.These three things were: What is the right time to begin something? Which people should he listen to? What is the most important thing for him to do? The king, therefore, sent messengers throughout his kingdom, promising a large sum of money to anyone who would answer these three questions.Does Lencho's letter reach God? Does God send him the money? Think what your answers to these questions would be, and guess how the story continues, before you begin to read it.So the question then is: how many major or effective parties are good for a democracy? In some countries only one party is allowed to control and run the government.The king went up to the hermit and said, “I have come to you, wise hermit, to ask you to answer three questions: How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time? Who are the people I need most? And what affairs are the most important?” The hermit listened to the king, but did not speak.

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