Realist example sentences

The situation may be realistic one, or it may be created through a video play.Due to changes taking place in the internal and external business environment, standards may need some modification to be realistic in the changed business environment.These include unrealistic standards, defective process, inadequacy of resources, structural drawbacks, organisational constraints and environmental factors beyond the control of the organisation.Hence, bias may be observed in the results, and the financial position depicted in financial statements may not be realistic.And we can introduce more players in the chain of production in the example and make it more realistic and complicated.An understanding of personality allows us to deal with people in realistic and acceptable ways.more realistic assumption would be that the government collects a constant fraction, t, of income in the form of taxes so that T = tY.It depends on being realistic about what you know and that you must do it within a certain time period, knowing what you want to do, and organising your life to achieve a balance between the two.Negative expectations, hopelessness, setting unrealistically high standards, and being over-critical in self-evaluation are important themes for those who have suicidal preoccupations.The other and more realistic way is to set up a system where political leaders are rewarded for serving the people and punished for not doing so.Before visualising one must set oneself a realistic goal, as it helps build confidence.Thus, we can realistically assume that there will be a steady flow of actual replacement spending which will more or less match the amount of annual depreciation being accounted for in that economy.The use of accounting conventions makes financial statements comparable, simple and realistic.Thus, while the id is demanding, unrealistic and works according to pleasure principle, the ego is patient, reasonable, and works by the reality principle.This was not a realistic novel; it presented an imaginary 'romance' narrative with a moral purpose.

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