Region example sentences

In winters a thick blanket of snow covers this region.India has trade relations with all the major trading blocks and all geographical regions of the world.The members of this class were united by a common way of life that cut across regional divisions.For example, the part of Himalayas lying between Indus and Satluj has been traditionally known as Punjab Himalaya but it is also known regionally as Kashmir and Himachal Himalaya from west to east respectively.Which regions in the world account for most of the countries that were not democracies in 2000.You might wonder that if three-fourth of the world is covered with water and water is a renewable resource, then how is it that countries and regions around the globe suffer from water scarcity? Why is it predicted that by 2025, nearly two billion people will live in absolute water scarcity.Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilised.Translations of novels into different regional languages helped to spread the popularity of the novel and stimulated the growth of the novel in new areas.If we follow the history of the novel in different parts of India we can see many regional peculiarities.In recent times, the development of the Konkan railway along the west coast has facilitated the movement of passengers and goods in this most important economic region of India.These regions Let's do are marked for hot dry summers and mild rainy winters.The brain has three such major parts or regions, namely the fore-brain, mid-brain and hind-brain.Gold and diamond mining are major occupations of people of this region.All this was stopped with the new system of territorial boundaries that restricted movements between regions.The water sources in the region get contaminated due to mining.

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