Relief example sentences

Relief, parent rock or bed rock, climate, vegetation and other forms of life and time are important factors in the formation of soil.Such movements have also influenced the evolution of the present landform features relief of India.The stock eased after 2002 03 due to relief opertations undertaken by the goverment as the year was declared as drought year due to failure of monsoon.According to the variations in relief features, the Northern plains can be divided into four regions.Quickly word spread and his extended family gathered around him, and hugged him tight in relief.She gave a sob of relief, for she felt that his little heart was beating still.Breaking the poverty cycle, and helping the poor to attain self-sufficiency — Initially, financial relief, medical and other facilities may have to be provided to the poor.In that instant, I finally breathed a sigh of relief and thought for the first time that things were going to be okay.The Himalayan mountainous regions too are unfavourable for the construction of railway lines due to high relief, sparse population and lack of economic opportunities.India has land under a variety of relief features, namely; mountains, plateaus, plains and islands.Often, the very first step involves providing material relief in the form of food, clothing, medical help, shelter, and financial help.The northern plains are generally deseribed as flat land with no variations in its relief.Eleven times she saw relief helicopters overhead, but they did not see her.Think of the north-eastern part of the country, marked with the presence of big rivers, dissected relief, dense forests and frequent floods and international frontiers, etc.We have all felt the relief brought by cool evening breezes after a hot day.

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