Representation example sentences

In Figureure 3 we present a diagrammatic representation of the relations between these major macroeconomic variables.It is representational data model through which ER design is transformed into inter-related data tables along with the restriction in the form of rules that are specified to ensure the consistency and integrity of stored data.In the past few years, massive campaigns and representation by people's organisations have influenced important decisions relating to trade and investments at the WTO.At the same time, this system allows a variety of interests and opinions to enjoy political representation.The above mentioned theories are representations of psychometric approach to understand intelligent behaviour.The unique features of culture now find some representation in theories of intelligence.From among several representational models, Relational Data Model (RDM) is the most popular and widely used in actual practice.In our country we follow an area based system of representation.Diagrammatic representation of the sequence of processes which constitute the development of a cell of a higher plant is given in Figureure 1 It is also applicable to tissues/organs.ER Model, as already discussed above, is a conceptual model, which need be transformed into a representational data model so that a database design is formed for being implemented and operated upon by using DBMS.In visual representations, Germania wears a crown of oak leaves, as the German oak stands for heroism.The variations in seeking help are due to differences in mental representations people make relating to disease, its severity and the causes of disease.

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