Representative example sentences

In June, about 500 Soviets sent representatives to an All Russian Congress of Soviets.He said to Ramlal, “As a revenue official you are the representative of the government in the village and so you must set an example to the villagers.Therefore it is necessary to have a free and open discussion about who is a better representative, which party will make a better government or what is a good policy.The representative elected from each constituency is called a Member of Parliament or an MP.So Pakistan has had elections, elected representatives have some powers.In India such a national assembly of elected representatives is called Parliament.Elected representative will be accountable to their constituency for what they do in the locality.It meets in regular yearly sessions under a president elected from among the representatives of the member countries.Similarly, the price or employment level of this representative good will reflect the general price and employment level of the economy.We will discuss some representative theories of these approaches.This was done because many elected representatives were indulging in DEFECTION in order to become ministers or for cash rewards.Therefore it is necessary to have a free and open discussion about who is a better representative, which party will make a better government or what is a good policy.Therefore in most democracies people rule through their representatives.Some political parties are known to favour some castes and are seen as their representatives.This is an important step for it is linked to the first condition of a democratic election: everyone should get an equal opportunity to choose representatives.

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