Respiration example sentences

Oxygen from the atmosphere is used up in three processes, namely combustion, respiration and in the formation of oxides of nitrogen.Here the RuBP instead of being converted to 2 molecules of PGA binds with O2 to form one molecule and phosphoglycolate in a pathway called photorespiration.To understand photorespiration we have to know a little bit more about the first step of the Calvin pathway – the first CO2 fixation step.Carbon dioxide (CO2) is released into the atmosphere by respiration, burning of fossil fuels for energy, and by decomposition of limestone during the manufacture of cement.Now that you know that the C4 plants lack photorespiration, you probably can understand why productivity and yields are better in these plants.It enhances the respiration rate during ripening of the fruits.So, where do animals get their food from? But, first of all why do we have to eat food? You already know that the energy from food is utilised by organisms for carrying out their various body functions, such as digestion, respiration and excretion.Both the hormones increase the heart beat, the strength of heart contraction and the rate of respiration.Though we usually think of oxygen as being necessary to life in the process of respiration, it might be of interest to you to learn that some forms of life, especially bacteria, are poisoned by elemental oxygen.C4 plants are special: They have a special type of leaf anatomy, they tolerate higher temperatures, they show a response to highlight intensities, they lack a process called photorespiration and have greater productivity of biomass.These hormones increase alertness, pupilary dilation, piloerection, sweating, heart beat, strength of heart contraction, rate of respiration, glycogenolysis, lipolysis, proteolysis.The plants help to provide oxygen for animal respiration.Let us try and understand one more process that creates an important difference between C3 and C4 plants – Photorespiration.The utilisation of glucose to provide energy to living things involves the process of respiration in which oxygen may or may not be used to convert glucose back into carbon dioxide.RuBisCO also catalyses a wasteful oxygenation reaction in C3 plants: photorespiration.

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