Restore example sentences

In sexual reproduction when the two gametes fuse the chromosome number is restored to the value in the parent.To restore the aromatic character, ? -complex releases proton from sp3 hybridised carbon on attack by [AlCl4]– (in case of halogenation, alkylation and acylation) and [HSO4]– (in case of nitration).Save Democracy was the slogan given by Janata Party in the next Lok Sabha election held in 197 The party promised to undo the excesses committed during Emergency and restore civil liberties.Save Democracy was the slogan given by Janata Party in the next Lok Sabha election held in 197 The party promised to undo the excesses committed during Emergency and restore civil liberties.Keynes — a noted economist joined together at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire to identify measures to restore peace and normalcy in the world.Since wages and prices are generally rigid downwards (they do not fall below a level), employment cannot be restored automatically.Once destroyed it is very difficult to restore them.Thus, the loss of copper from the solution is restored and the process keeps going.It therefore becomes essential for the cell to divide to restore the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio.Priestley hypothesised as follows: Plants restore to the air whatever breathing animals and burning candles remove.Pinochet's government tortured and killed several of those who supported Allende and those who wanted democracy to be restored.Though conservative forces were able to suppress liberal movements in 1848, they could not restore the old order.His father pulled him away roughly and restored the red button to neutral position.Tea is processed within the tea garden to restore its freshness.The main intention was to restore the monarchies that had been overthrown by Napoleon, and create a new conservative order in Europe.

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