Rsa example sentences

But as we learnt in Chapter 2, the pH of water is something that can easily be checked using universal indicator.One can emphatically say that carbon is the most versatile element in the world.Basheer's short novels and stories were written in the ordinary language of conversation.(preparing to shoot) As I said before, this conversation bores me.One aspect common to all the applied areas within psychology is a universal agreement on the basic assumptions about human nature and the role of a psychologist in different settings.His compositions, compiled in the Sursagara, Surasaravali and Sahitya Lahari, express his devotion.Yet, sometimes to our own surprise, we find that the salesperson has spoken to us for a few minutes and the conversation has ended with a purchase of what he or she wished to sell.Events of February 1848 in France had brought about the abdication of the monarch and a republic based on universal male suffrage had been proclaimed.), sucking thoughtfully on the end of my pen as you do, and fell into conversation with an attractive young lady in the next seat.These entries represent debit or credit of cash account against the bank account or viceversa.The city's water department has achieved universal access to safe water and this is the main reason behind the lower number of infant deaths.The conversation among the four classmates is obviously focused on the meaning, nature and purpose of business.In reality, therefore, it seems that it is only people with money who have the right to water – a far cry from the goal of universal access to 'sufficient and safe' water.One feature of the Constitution was its adoption of universal adult franchise.Forms of interpersonal communication include faceto- face or mediated conversations interview and small group discussions.

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