Shout example sentences

All the kids from the whole neighborhood came, laughing and shouting in the schoolyard, sitting together in the schoolroom, going home together at the end of the day.” “How can a crook have friends, idiot?” I almost shouted.[shouts] Shut up! I shan't shut up until you acknowledge that Squeezer is a hundred times better than your Guess! A hundred times worse! Be hanged to your Squeezer! His head.When we want to talk to our friends in class, we whisper, rather than shouting loudly.[Quickly steps to the carafe and drinks more water] Oxen Meadows are mine! not true! I'll prove it! I'll send my mowers out to the Meadows this very day! What? My mowers will be there this very day! I'll give it to them in the neck! You dare! [Clutches at his heart] Oxen Meadows are mine! You understand? Mine! Please don't shout! You can shout yourself hoarse in your own house but here I must ask you to restrain yourself! If it wasn't, madam, for this awful, excruciating palpitation, if my whole inside wasn't upset, I'd talk to you in a different way! [Yells] Oxen Meadows are mine! But, please, Stepan Stepanovitch, how can they be yours? Do be a reasonable man! My aunt's grandmother gave the Meadows for the temporary and free use of your grandfather's peasants.“Long Live the Revolution” shouted the Kirgiz youth who seemed to be a born Bolshevik.The guests began to whisper, “So shameless! So ugly and so shameless!” “Bholi, are you crazy?” shouted Ramlal.Film songs blare out from the radios, car horns sound, bicycle bells ring, stray cows low questioningly at motorcycles, vendors shout out their wares.Then they were calling out to us from across no man's land, “Happy Christmas, Tommy! Happy Christmas!” When we had got over the surprise, some of us shouted back, “Same to you, Fritz! Same to you!” I thought that would be that.“What's the matter with you, you fool?” shouted Ramlal.“The very image of the Great Stone Face!” shouted the people.“N-n-n-n NO, no-no-no,” she shouted in terror and pulled her hand away from her father's grip.The memsahib was very strange as she would shout to get any work done.) (rattles door and shouts) Let me out of here! Hello.“I will see that electricity is not wasted in my house,” shouted Mustafa.

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