Solid example sentences

For a given substance, the crystalline solid state is the state of lowest entropy (most ordered), The gaseous state is state of highest entropy.But it turns out that the electrons are able to 'travel' through a perfect solid crystal smoothly and easily, almost as if they were in a vacuum.Solid waste is not the only waste, which you see in your household garbage box.Tata Steel hopes not only to consolidate but better its leadership by robust leadership development systems that have seen the company create many CEOs for other companies.But these groups were now able to seize the economic resources of the region to consolidate their positions.The government, led by General Jaruzelski, grew anxious and imposed martial law in December 198 Thousands of Solidarity members were put in prison.It must be remembered that in heterogeneous equilibrium pure solids or liquids must be present (however small it may be) for the equilibrium to exist, but their concentrations or partial pressure do not appear in the expression of the equilibrium constant.On further heating it turns into a transparent liquid, which solidifies into glass like material known as borax bead.After the Gdansk agreement was signed, a new trade union called Solidarity (Solidarnosc in Polish) was formed.First three members are gases, the next eight are liquids and the higher ones are solids.Carbon dioxide can be obtained as a solid in the form of dry ice by allowing the liquified CO2 to expand rapidly.Solidarity contested all the 100 seats of the Senate and won 99 of them.SO2 is also absorbed directly on both solid and liquid ground surfaces and is thus deposited as dry-deposition.Smoke particulates consist of solid or mixture of solid and liquid particles formed during combustion of organic matter.Dissociation refers to the process of separation of ions in water already existing as such in the solid state of the solute, as in sodium chloride.

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